Introducing a New Way to Calculate Commission on Tradedoubler’s Grow Platform: Aligning Interests for Increased Earnings

As a performance marketing business, we are always looking for ways to improve and grow. That’s why we are excited to announce a change in the way we calculate commission on our Tradedoubler’s Grow platform.

Currently, commission on the Grow platform is calculated as a percentage of the publisher commission (30%). However, this system has a few limitations. For example, it doesn’t align our interests with those of our partners, since their earning are not directly tied to sales.

We are excited to announce that we will now be calculating commission on the Grow platform as a percentage of customer sales value (3%). This new system will bring several benefits for our partners, including:

  • Increased transparency: Partners will know exactly how much they are earning based on customer sales value, making it easier to plan and grow their business.
  • Alignment of interests: By calculating commission based on sales value, our interests are aligned with those of our partners. We both have a vested interest in driving sales, which will result in increased earnings for our partners.
  • Real-world examples: We’ve run the numbers, and in most cases, our partners will earn more under the new system than under the old one. For example, under the old system, a partner would earn £10 for a sale of £100. Under the new system, that same sale would result in a commission of £3. Over time, this adds up to significant additional earnings for our partners.
  • We understand that change can be difficult, and we want to assure our partners that we are here to support them every step of the way. Our dedicated team is available to answer any questions and provide guidance on how to succeed under the new system.

We believe that this change will be a positive development for both Tradedoubler and our partners, and we look forward to seeing the increased earnings and growth that this new system will bring. Thank you for your continued support.


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