Smart, plug-and-play solutions for your business: Discover Grow’s leading eCommerce apps

At Grow we strive to make affiliate marketing smart, simple and accessible for start-ups, accelerators, and SMEs – retailers who need a streamlined, time-efficient solution that meets the marketing aims of their burgeoning businesses.

It is with this in mind that over the last few months, we have made dedicated modules available for our clients for the leading eCommerce providers, released with PrestaShop, WooCommerce, and Shopify and with others planned soon.

All our modules allow our clients to set up their affiliate programs directly from within their eCommerce admin consoles, the same way that they would manage other parts of their store, in just a few clicks.

Unlike similar products from rival networks, our modules provide a full, end-to-end, technical solution that stretches far beyond simple tracking, natively offering the following features at no extra cost:

  • Automated product feed creation – once installed, the module will automatically create your product feed and synchronize it with our systems so that affiliates have the data they need within minutes.
  • Voucher codes synchronization – our modules can be set to automatically import voucher codes, ensuring that they are always up-to-date and available to affiliates.
  • Interactive dashboard – save time and effort by monitoring your program’s performance straight from your eCommerce admin console, with a fully interactive dashboard.
  • ‘No click’ tracking installation – by installing the Grow module, you also install the necessary tracking needed to run your program. The module does however let you decide how you wish to reward your affiliates – whether tax and shipping are included or excluded within the sales value is up to you.

Plus Grow clients can sign-up for our services online, then install the relevant module and instantly be activated on our platform.

By synthesising the way Grow works across the various eCommerce platforms, we are able to provide our clients with all the technical tools needed to run their affiliate programs with ease. The additional features, baked deep into our modules, enable you to instantaneously establish partnerships with voucher, price comparison and CSS affiliates.

All this is in addition to access to the Grow platform and its comprehensive affiliate management features, including: best-in-class tracking and reporting technology, an easy-to-use ads management interface, unrivalled communication tools, and expert help and guidance from our dedicated international Grow team.

We are building a more versatile affiliate marketing solution that makes it simpler and easier to reach new audiences and generate sales. Through our array of plug-and-play modules, we remove the need to hire technical resources, allowing you to focus solely on increasing profit and ultimately growing your business.

Ellen Kemp
Grow Client Support Executive - UK and US Markets

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